Thursday, June 25, 2009

another big reveal

Ok, so most of y'all probably already know this, but we have a bun in the oven.

No, this oven:

Yup, we're having a baby! I'm due December 1, and feeling great so far.

more from the gardening gurus

The gardening gurus (aka Mama & Papa Struth) weren't content with just spiffing up the backyard. Oh no.

We also planted seeds from a vine in their own garden, which has taken root quite nicely:
You can practically watch these things growing, it's amazing. We'll plan them outside soon, to help cover up the chain link fence.

We also replanted the front patch, again. Third time's a charm right??

(The "second" time was my attempt to let the flowery weeds that crowded out the lavender have their way with the space. They died as soon as the rain stopped.)

And finally, we planted two tomato plants and a basil plant. These are 50-day Early Girls, which means we should have some cherry tomato-type tomatoes sometime in mid-July. Can't wait!

The back patch is doing well so far, and I've remembered to water it at least once each week. Everything we planted (except perhaps the tree) is drought-resistant, so hopefully once each one takes root, we should be ok with just an occasional watering during the rain-less summer months.

Well, that last calla lily might not make it. But I have my fingers crossed for everything else.

long overdue

So, when Mom was here in, erm, February, we painted the bathroom. It's only taken 4 months, but now the remaining to-do list looked like this:
  • Remove shower door, replace with shower curtain/rod
  • Finish painting vanity door and reinstall
  • Install towel bars
  • Replace toilet seat
  • Re-do floors - stick-on vinyl tiles?
To clarify, the stick-on vinyl tiles are only a temporary solution, until we have the time/funds/etc. to completely redo the bathroom. I also forgot that I'd like to fix the light fixture with some brushed nickel spray paint. That hasn't been done either. But we did get some nice new towels.

Don't look too closely, but the pretty purple orchid from Trader Joe's wilted and died. Guess that's what I get for buying tropical flowers at a grocery store. We'll find a nice easy succulent to replace it. Maybe sometime in the next 4 months.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

[catchy title goes here]

The backyard was a mess, but cleaning it up was pretty far down on our priority list. But, we couldn't host master gardeners for a weekend without getting something done outside.

This is what we started with:

Isao was on a mission to clean up this tree. (Notice the overflowing compost bin.)

Mom and I finally planted the Christmas tree I brought home from the office 6 months ago:

I had a few plants from an impulsive Craigslist purchase months and months ago, so we planted those along with some new bougainvillea. Since the ivy looks good for now, we'll leave it until the bougainvillea get a little bigger.

Not bad for an afternoon's work. Now, if I can just remember to water it once in a while...

Thanks again Mom and Dad!!!

another parental kick in the pants

Just when I thought we had totally stalled out on the house projects, Mom and Dad come to the rescue - again! We spent Memorial Day weekend on a number of little projects that added up to big results.

We put up curtains:

Touched up the paint in the kitchen:

Finished painting the hall closet doors:

Sealed the grout:

And tamed the backyard, which deserves it's own posting. Stay tuned.

the big reveal

and it's about time! Official work on the kitchen was finished on April 16, and it took us a little while to get it ready for it's debut on Joni Luvs Chachi.

So, without further ado...

We'll get some art or something for this last wall... eventually.