Monday, August 24, 2009

beardless papa

"Oh, geez. I had a mishap."
--Chachi, while shaving last night

Oh geez, indeed. He buzzed off part of his goatee by accident:

And decided shaving off the entire thing was the solution:

Oh geez.

Special thanks to Alyza for the clever title for this post.

more greenery

After two hours at Ikea, Chachi and I hadn't really found much (measuring ahead of time might have been helpful...) but you can't leave Ikea without buying something, so we picked up a new plant in the very last department before the checkout stand.

For now, it will sit in the doorway between the living and dining rooms, to help distract from the baseboard moulding that still needs to be fixed.

another quick visit

Half of the garden guru team was in town for a quick visit, and no visit would be complete without some kind of house-related project.*

Since the flowering plant out front seems intent on taking over half of the block, we decided to remove the other two pairs of plants and find them a happy spot elsewhere. The jade plants ended up in the backyard, where we discovered that the second (dead) cala lily decided to make another appearance:

And the rosey looking ones came inside for now:

I'm not sure if the plant left out front is the kind that will put down new roots when you break off a piece, but we tried it anyway. Stay tuned for the results.

* I'd like to note, for the record, that I do not require this sort of assistance as part of the room and board package here at the Peralta Project. Rather, these folks come practically begging for work to do. After our gardening this time, we spent the afternoon at SF MOMA, followed by a lovely snack at Samovar Tea Lounge.

I'm in love

With my new Cuisinart Mini Prep food processor, to be specific. It's waaaay more quiet than our old food processor, it's super quick, and it hardly takes up any space! With the basil growing out back, it might be time for some pesto soon.

...and in with the new

My expectations for the neighborhood garage sale might have been a bit high, but we found a few good things:

Some books and CDs for Chachi, a nice set of cheese knives for me (and to think I almost paid 3 times as much the night before for a smaller set from Crate & Barrel!), and a chalkboard for Turkey.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

belly up to the bar

It's all about the 'mocktails' lately. My latest creation is like an italian soda - sparkling water mixed with leftover syrup from poached pears. Deee-lish.

Monday, August 10, 2009

out with the old...

We're hoping to renovate the bonus room before Turkey arrives, which means we have to clear out all of the stuff that's accumulated down there.

OK, I cheated. That's a photo from the day after we moved in. But it certainly felt like we had that much stuff there just the other day.

Next weekend's neighborhood garage sale provided enough incentive to at least start sorting through the various boxes and milk crates. Granted, this would have been a lot easier if we'd managed to pare down our possessions prior to moving in last year, but nevermind that. We made great progress and now have 15-20 boxes to donate to the neighborhood community center's sale.

Now the kitchenette holds only the boxes we know we're keeping.

Then, we'll shop the other garage sales and find new stuff to bring home.

1 year and counting

July 28 came and went with little fanfare, but we should stop a moment and reflect on how far we've come since we moved into the Peralta Project.

In the last 378+ days, we've:
  • Painted 5 rooms and a hallway
  • Installed new baseboard moulding
  • Cosmetically updated the bathroom
  • Completely renovated the kitchen
  • Substantially spiffed up the backyard
Nevermind that the "to-do" list is 10 times longer than the "done" list... we're a "glass is half-full" kinda crowd here. Thanks to the many volunteers who've helped us so far!

garden update

Well, we did end up losing the calla lily, and the mint didn't make it either. But, it looks like everything else is hanging in there so far. We might even get a tomato or two. I added 4 bags of mulch a couple weeks ago, and hopefully that will help retain the moisture. Fingers crossed we'll all make it to rainy season, especially since I won't feel much like watering at that point!

The front patch, on the other hand, could take over the sidewalk pretty soon! I think I'll take out the smaller, slower-growing plans and just let the other two enjoy the whole box.

the stash

Upon returning home from dress shopping for Kate, after an odd detour for "tonic water", I discovered Mom had planned a surprise baby shower!

We all had a lovely evening, and Turkey and I received many wonderful gifts. I imagine in a few years, or perhaps even a few months, we'll think, "How quaint. All of Turkey's stuff fits in a carry-on suitcase."

Thank you again for the shower and the generous gifts!